2/10/25 Online Furniture Auction

Feb 10 | 5 PM Begins Closing

768 Graystone Rd.
Manheim, PA 17545

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2/10/25 Online Furniture Auction

Check out our great collection of modern and antique furniture! Bedroom suites, dining tables/chairs, blanket chests and much more! 

Preview: Feb. 4th from 9am-4pm.

This sale will run until Monday, Feb. 10th and will begin closing at 5pm.

Pickup will be Tuesday, Feb. 11th from 9am-6pm. 


Additional Auction Information:

Conestoga Auction Co. AH-001998
A division of Hess Auction Group AY000253L

Contact: (717) 664-5238 or (717) 898-7284